Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The last few days for me have just been kind of blah. I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly what was wrong, things have been stressful at work, the hubster has been sick, and well the work at home can sometimes be a lot too.

So to help myself out of my funk I've been trying to focus on some positives and find the positive in each stressful or not so fun moments.

So here are some positives:
Hubby is feeling a little better every day and the fact that he got a flu shot has resulted in a much lighter case of the flu!

I have a job and most days I love it. Yes I would much rather be able to not have to go to work every day but rather work at home raising my kids but I am thankful for the fact that I have a job that I need and that I have a boss that understands the importance of family and of me needing to be there for my daughters.

My oldest daughter has amazed me here lately with a huge spark in interest for helping others. She has such a big heart and it has been awesome watching God lay mission work on her heart whether it be helping her friends or trying to find ways to help people around the world.

My youngest daughter well I can be having the worst day and she will crawl in my lap or come lay next to me on the bed and just want to snuggle with me for a few minutes. It definitely doesn't get much better than that!

So regardless of how bleh the last few days have been, in the bigger picture they don't even exist.

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