Sunday, January 27, 2013

Weekend Wrap up

Whew! I can't believe it's already Sunday night. Why do the weekends always go by so fast?

I have had an amazing weekend.  Our church had a ladies retreat on Friday night & Saturday and to say it was amazing was really putting it mildly.  I had really debated about going because it was an overnight retreat and since I work full time outside the home I don't like to fill my weekends up with activities that don't involve my girls very often.  I've spent the night away from them a few times but that has really only been times that mommy & daddy just needed a night away or they were spending the night with their Gigi & Papa or auntie.  I got a call a few weeks ago from a friend asking if I could help out with a portion of the retreat so I decided that I would go.  I am so glad that I did. I missed my girls and my husband but it was a great retreat.  I enjoyed getting to know some people that I knew but not really well and then also building relationships with friends that I already have. 
Our study was based in Ruth and that has become one of my favorite stories in the Bible so I loved diving into that book! What an amazing story and what an awesome portrayal of God's love for us.

One of the activities that we did at the end which just happened to be the section I was leading was we took little sticky notes and wrote words of affirmation to other ladies at the conference and then we went around the room sticking them on each other.  It was a lot of fun! I love too that on most of the sticky notes I received, I don't know who wrote them.....this also bothers me a little because I want to tell that/those person/people thank you for the sweet words of encouragement.  Not knowing though makes it special too. So some of the things that were written about me were: Beautiful (yeah I'm thinking they may have stuck these on the wrong person), You are such a blessing, Loving friend, you're gifted, I love you, You rock at Go Fish (we played games on Friday night and one of the games was Go Fish haha!), You sing like what I expect the angels will sing like (this person was just way too sweet), Rejoice in the Lord for He is good (AMEN!!), and Seek wisdom, He'll lead you.  Whoever wrote that one has no idea how much I needed that one this weekend.

I am so thankful for the ladies at our church and the friendships that I have with them.  A lot of them have watched me grow up and they love me anyway.

I got home yesterday afternoon and of course was so happy to see my girls and they were happy to see me. I love when I walk in the room and they still will stop what they are doing and yell mama and run to me with arms wide open and joy on their faces. They even do this some days when I get home from work. They will never know how much joy that brings me.  I can have the worst day and then come home to that and it's like nothing else happened that day.

Today was a MESS!! The girls woke up this morning and from the beginning they were fighting.  Getting ready for church was a battle and then the worst headache I've had in a while came on while we were driving to church.  Then as I'm dropping the girls off for Sunday School, Jenna starts bawling as I leave her and that always makes me feel horrible. I have to say when the music started this morning I just cried.  Then after church we were heading to our home group and I had cooked beans in the crockpot this morning to go with the tacos we were going to have at A2 group, well apparently when I put the lid on the Tupperware bowl that I was carrying them in, it didn't get closed all the way and as we were driving down the road I feel this horrific burning sensation on my leg and look down and I'm covered in bean juice.  I didn't think Jim was ever going to get the car pulled over so I could get the lid back on them. So I literally spilled the beans this afternoon. haha!! I kept reminding myself that the day could always be worse.

Then as I'm looking around on Facebook tonight I came across this quote by Beth Moore who is one of my favorite authors/speakers.  She said "Even the worst day of your life, God can redeem.  He can go back, pick that thing up and bring about a complete transformation.  The devil will be sorry he ever messed with you." This wasn't the worst day of my life by any means but this quote really helped me put in to perspective how I view things.  I love that God can take anything ugly and turn it into something beautiful!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The last few days for me have just been kind of blah. I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly what was wrong, things have been stressful at work, the hubster has been sick, and well the work at home can sometimes be a lot too.

So to help myself out of my funk I've been trying to focus on some positives and find the positive in each stressful or not so fun moments.

So here are some positives:
Hubby is feeling a little better every day and the fact that he got a flu shot has resulted in a much lighter case of the flu!

I have a job and most days I love it. Yes I would much rather be able to not have to go to work every day but rather work at home raising my kids but I am thankful for the fact that I have a job that I need and that I have a boss that understands the importance of family and of me needing to be there for my daughters.

My oldest daughter has amazed me here lately with a huge spark in interest for helping others. She has such a big heart and it has been awesome watching God lay mission work on her heart whether it be helping her friends or trying to find ways to help people around the world.

My youngest daughter well I can be having the worst day and she will crawl in my lap or come lay next to me on the bed and just want to snuggle with me for a few minutes. It definitely doesn't get much better than that!

So regardless of how bleh the last few days have been, in the bigger picture they don't even exist.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mixed Emotions

We have this great group on Facebook in Forney called the Treasure Exchange. It's basically an online garage sale where you can go post items and sell them, usually you can get a little more than you would if it were an actual garage sale.  It's a really neat site and I've made some $ on it and also gotten some great deals on it as well.

Well as the people who know me well know I have the most amazing mother in the whole world. She keeps my girls for me so that I don't have to pay for daycare. Along with that she will usually come by the house once a week or so and get laundry to help me out and stuff like that. Well she has been bagging up the girls clothes for me as they grow out of them so that I can post them on the Treasure Exchange and try to make a little extra money.

So tonight I was going through the girls clothes getting ready to take picture and post them and it hit me kind of hard. I no longer have babies! I'm going through these clothes and they are sizes, 3, 4, and some 5T sizes. My babies aren't babies anymore and I'm probably not going to be having any more babies unless by some miracle we get rich and come into a bigger house. LOL! Actually Jim says we are done so I guess we are.

As I'm sitting there fighting back some tears it also hit me that it's not so bad not having a baby in the house. The girls are growing up and yes it's way too fast for my liking but they are becoming little individuals.  They are more independent now and most days I'm okay with that and actually enjoy the fact that they can get themselves dressed most of the time and in most cases they can wipe their own butts. Yes the poop gets grosser you new moms!

I have such an amazing opportunity in front of me. I'm getting to raise these two precious little girls. That is kind of scary if you really think about it! These girls are so amazing though and I am so so so so thankful that God chose me to be their mommy!

I'm okay with the fact that I don't have a baby and I'm okay with the fact that my babies are growing up because in all reality they will ALWAYS be my babies!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fresh Start

I decided to delete my other blog that I was doing that was focused on my journey of losing weight.  I decided to do that because I'm tired of being controlled by my weight and how much weight I need to lose, etc.  There is so much more to me than my weight.

I have been so blessed throughout my life.  God has done so many amazing things in my life and in the lives of the people in my family and close friends.  I am a mom to 2 amazing and beautiful girls, Bella & Jenna.

I have an amazing husband who loves God, loves me, and loves our children. Not only that, but he is an AMAZING guitar player!

I'm not going to stop blogging about my weight loss but I am going to begin blogging about more than that because I love this life that I've been blessed with and I want to share it. :)