Wednesday, May 22, 2013

6 week update

I am on my 6th week of the 1st LineTherapy program I'm doing with my doctor.  I have to say that it's been an interesting 6 weeks. I'm learning so much about food and nutrition and supplements and how all these things really do effect our lives and bodies. It has been so amazing! 

I have tried to not focus on losing weight but rather focus on getting healthy again. It is hard to put into words just how awesome I feel after making the changes I've made in my daily eating habits. 

I had gotten to the point where I was just feeling like crap all the time. It's so nice to not feel sick after I eat. It's so nice to actually have energy. It's just been nice! I am so glad I found my doctor. 

I'm even more thankful after today. We had a work event and went to watch the Texas Rangers play. We always sit in the All You Can Eat seats when we go with work. This used to be a lot of fun but today all I could think about as I was eating was how bad this food was for me  and how sick I knew I was gonna feel. I definitely had the willpower to not eat a bunch of junk for once but I did some and sure enough I've paid for it this evening.

I'm a weird way though I'm glad I feel like crap tonight because it's giving me motivation to keep on keeping on in my quest for getting healthy and yes skinny again but mostly healthy.

For those who have asked, as of this morning I'm down about 15 pounds and that's just in 5 1/2 weeks time. I need to take my measurements because I know I've lost some inches.....and to be completely honest I would be ok with losing some feet instead of inches. Haha!!


  1. I am proud of you and know you will get healthy as you keep on keeping on. Your old friend,Jen

    1. Thank you Jen!! I just now saw your comment so I'm very sorry it took so long to reply!
